Welcome and Blessings!

Thank you so much for stopping by! I have named this blog "Running to the Cross" because that is what I often find myself doing...running to be with my Lord Jesus! I often cover many aspects of life on my blog, as it is my journal. I used to write things down in all sorts of notebooks, but my writings would soon be lost. So I decided that it was time to start a blog and share my thoughts and ideas with others. Many topics you will find here are prayers, homemaking and organization, children and pregnancy, funny stories, and the challenges of parenting and motherhood. If you enjoy my blog and leave me a comment, you are likely to have me visit! I love meeting others and gleaning from the lives of others. May you be blessed! Your friend in Christ, Heather

Monday, February 1, 2010

A Little Motivational Exercise...

So, there is much to be done and I am really feeling overwhelmed. So I am going to post a list, then go tackle that list...

Probably updating this post...

Here goes:

1. Clear tables
2. Wash pans from weekend (we are so busy getting ready for church on the weekends that I never get everything done, so I will wash things that can't go in the dishwasher. My second oldest son already loaded and ran the dishwasher once...)
3. Lunch at one table, finish portfolios at the other.
4. Nap time for 2 & 4-year-old, crochet time for me.
5. Get dinner going.

Starting now.

Tables cleared by my daughter.
Pans washed, dishwasher reloaded.
Of course, lunch over and done with.
Naps done, and crocheted a bit more.
Dinner cooked, delicious & done (baby back ribs, mac & cheese, green beans)
Portfolios, started... not completed yet, but maybe tonight still?


Kelly said...

Go, Heather! Totally doable list.
I've been a slug today...Mondays are always a recuperation day around here. We hosted a fellowship meal and I only did bare minimum clean up last night, so I need to kick it in gear and get it cleaned.
Praying you have a fun and productive afternoon and I'm off to do the same!

runningtothecross said...

That is really strange! Published BOTH comments and only 1 is showing up! Bellamama, I got your comment... sorry for not emailing you back yet! Sounds like you are doing GREAT! I was wondering about coconut oil, but never really believed it... maybe I ought to give it a go again!

Kelly, completely doable, except for the portfolios, got to change over the year, etc.; put new pictures on the dividers, and so on. I'm thinking they will take me the rest of the evening and into the night! Oh well! It has to be done this week! With Wed. out for church, tomorrow is the day to turn them in (hopefully!)...

runningtothecross said...

The comment didn't show up because she didn't comment on this post... next one down! I'm scatterbrained today!

Tereza said...

There is always much to be done! I find lately that lists overwhelm me. I end up doing what's more important first and then the rest as I can:) Looks like you got done the mroe important things too:)

BellaMama said...

I'm sorry, I should have commented on the most recent post!
We are doing well, it's just gotten crazier and crazier here. I'll be so glad to be settled in!
The coconut oil helps if you eat it 3-4 times per day. I found that it improves my concentration, increases my energy levels and in so doing engages my metabolism. We've also been having veggie soup at least every other day. I take a bag of frozen broccoli or a mix with squash, carrots, califlower, etc. (5lbs) add water, salt and pepper and 1/2 stick of butter. It's really yummy, easy and we like it with fish crackers. A super way to get in lots of veggies, children like and it helps lose more weight!
Hope you find what works for you!!
Blessings! Talk to ya later.