Welcome and Blessings!

Thank you so much for stopping by! I have named this blog "Running to the Cross" because that is what I often find myself doing...running to be with my Lord Jesus! I often cover many aspects of life on my blog, as it is my journal. I used to write things down in all sorts of notebooks, but my writings would soon be lost. So I decided that it was time to start a blog and share my thoughts and ideas with others. Many topics you will find here are prayers, homemaking and organization, children and pregnancy, funny stories, and the challenges of parenting and motherhood. If you enjoy my blog and leave me a comment, you are likely to have me visit! I love meeting others and gleaning from the lives of others. May you be blessed! Your friend in Christ, Heather

Friday, March 21, 2008

Life is a BLUR!!!!

Wow...what a week! I have been writing this entry in my head for several days now, but I have not found the time to write it until now.

Last week became quite interesting when my dear friend found herself in premature labor...she was only 24 weeks along and thankfully they stopped her labor. However, my husband and I took care of her two very young children... an 18-month-old boy and a 3 1/2-year-old girl. Now I know what it is to have 7 children under the age of 7-years-old!!! And 9 children 10 1/2 and younger...BUSY!!!

It was a very busy blessed two days! WE were blessed more than the family that we helped. Those two days were full of smiles, laughter and fun!!! Our house lighted up with a joy that I have never known! The children were very well behaved, needless to say and we said goodbye to our friend's children almost tearfully. When they left the house seemed SOOO quiet...

The LORD had His hand in when they were supposed to go home, though, because just as soon as they left, my husband and I got sick...then each of our 5 youngest (our girls)....our boys still haven't had it. It is the cough with a runny nose and fever.

I haven't had a fever like that since I was in college!!! I got the fever part on Sunday and had the fever Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday...finally it left Wednesday afternoon and we were expecting my brother-in-law and his wife on Thursday (yesterday). I am still battling with laryngitis and a horribly painful cough, but I think I am on the mend. My husband didn't stay sick for long, but some of my other children are still dealing with a little sickness.

So, as far as my attempts to rise earlier...HA!!! didn't happen, but I am still hopeful! I did get more of my house spiffied up on Wednesday & Thursday so I am making headway on my plan to have my house in order by the end of April...

Hopefully, as I get stronger from being sick (boy did that virus hit me hard!) I will be rising earlier to exercise, plan and blog! But, not sure how soon...my internet connection is now much slower than what I was used to so I don't seem to have as much time as I used to.

I apologize to all of my readers who have missed reading my blog on a regular basis. I mainly had to stop because I wasn't tending to things in the home like I should...I was too distracted by the computer. Now I am on it so little that I am rarely seen on it! LOL!

But I miss writing simply because sometimes it is my way to "vent". And I love having all of my bloggy friends leave comments... I sometimes get lonely for some adult conversation...as my husband is quite a busy man and once he stops I am usually zoned out on the couch. This year has just been a blur for me...

Just think...in August baby girl was born early...then busy trying to get school going...making cookies for Christmas...then moving...now unpacking and organizing mixed in with caring for extra children and sickness...I am missing a huge chunk of time simply because I can't remember all that has gone on but I have been one busy lady!!! And to top it all off...my sister is getting married at the end of APRIL!!! That means we have another trip to take to the midwest!!! That is a 2-3 day drive!!!

I'm dizzy!!! My world is spinning!!! Lord grant me grace!


Monday, March 10, 2008


So I found my camera...

It was almost hard to miss...but you know when you are busy and not really trying to look very hard for something...you just miss things....

Here is our wood stove...we got it new at Home Depot for half price!!!!!
Here is our sideboard...as my hubby calls it...not a cupboard but a sideboard. I have it decorated just like I like it, but I have to keep reminding everyone to NOT leave their stuff on it...;O)

I took a few pictures one day as I was walking down to the beach...I have to walk about a half mile through the woods to get there...

Almost there...if you look off into the distance you can see the water.

Here's the beach!!! (my favorite part)

Here is the pier for those who like to fish.

And here is the other side of the beach...we actually have a very long shoreline...but I can't fit that all into the picture...

I wanted to take more pictures, but it was really windy that day...
Also the beach is much deeper when it is low tide...these waters DO have salt in them...yes, we are close to the ocean. But I don't need the ocean to enjoy the beach...this is more than I could EVER ask for!
Blessings, Friends!
BTW...I am going to try to blog more often, but that is going to require me to be up MUCH earlier. I am going to try to start getting up between 5 & 6 a.m. Right now, as it stands, I just don't have the time to blog if I am NOT up early...anyway, who wants to sleep in when you live in such a beautiful place? Pray for me that I will be able to do this...I NEED to be up early and it is going to take a LOT of discipline...as baby girl STILL likes to be next to me at night... I HAVE been trying to get her used to her crib, but she still doesn't sleep all night...therefore, I don't sleep WELL all night long, but as I said before...getting up EARLY is my next priority...